
Exclusive Creative Themes, Especially for WordPress Block Editor, Notion themes, graphic design and miscellaneous notepad.

Theme WordPress « eco » (block editor)

  • Premium template for the last WordPress 6.
  • Especially quality.
  • Eco theme.
  • Gutenberg
  • Bloc editor
  • 1,2,3 columns
  • Font fine
  • 6 pages: contact, permalink, home page, blog, eco-print page, eco-web page

Modern 32 Chess pieces

Files: .svg .eps .pdf .jpeg .png

  • 16 pieces: white & black Pawns
  • 4 pieces: white & black Rook
  • 4 pieces: white & black Knight
  • 4 pieces: white & black Bishop
  • 2 pieces: white & black Queen
  • 2 pieces: white & black King
  • With Chessboard
  • Full vectoriel

Theme WordPress Zigmoon (block editor)

  • Premium template for the last WordPress 6.
  • Especially quality.
  • Black theme.
  • Gutenberg
  • Bloc editor
  • 3 columns
  • Font style mono
  • 6 pages: contact, 404, permalink, home page, image gallery, archives