



☀ Print eco-design is based on several fundamental principles. First, it encourages the use of recycled and recyclable materials for our printing materials. By opting for environmentally friendly papers and inks, we limit deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions.

❍ In addition, eco-design printing also promotes the optimization of resources. By reducing the margins on our documents and using more efficient printing techniques, we minimize wasted paper and energy. A small action that can have a considerable impact on our ecological footprint.

☯ By choosing eco-design print, we are participating in building a more sustainable future. We support companies committed to a responsible approach and we encourage innovation in ecological printing. Together, we can make a difference and preserve our planet for future generations.

❊ Join us in this eco-responsible approach and discover the advantages of eco-design print. Together, we can create a positive impact on our environment while maintaining the quality and aesthetics of our printed materials.